Comsearch at NSMA’s 2024 Annual Spectrum Management Conference

NSMA - National Spectrum Management Association
May 14-15, 2024 | Arlington, VA |


Comsearch speaks on the panel at NSMA’s 2024 Annual Spectrum Management Conference. The event brings together a diverse group of participants to discuss the latest spectrum-related trends and developments. The conference’s topic areas are as diverse as the participants, and with increasing spectrum congestion, reallocations, sharing, and repurposing, it’s more important than ever to understand the radio spectrum environment from all angles. The NSMA conference is an excellent opportunity to meet and network with representatives from all sectors of the wireless industry.

This year, NSMA’s Annual Conference was co-located with NSF’s Spectrum Week. The second annual NSF Spectrum Week brought together six major spectrum events: NRDZ, SpectrumX, and SWIFT, co-location with IEEE DySPAN 2024, National Spectrum Management Association’s (NSMA) Annual Conference, and NITRD Wireless Spectrum R&D Interagency Working Group (WSRD IWG).

Featured Comsearch panel speakers:

Mark Gibson, Sr. Director, Spectrum Regulatory & Policy, Comsearch—a CommScope companyMark Gibson
Session: 6GHz in the Headlights: Mission-critical networks & Innovative Unlicensed Networks (PDF – Gibson)(Video)

With over 40 years of wireless experience, Mark is responsible for developing domestic and international business opportunities for CommScope in the areas of RF engineering and spectrum management. In addition to leading technical and business development efforts for numerous wireless and spectrum-related products and services, he has led efforts to address spectrum sharing between Federal government and commercial users.

He leads CommScope’s efforts to develop, test and certify the Automated Frequency Coordination system for 6 GHz unlicensed bands. He is President and Chair of the Wireless Innovation Forum. He is a member of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee, where he has also co-chaired working groups related to spectrum sharing and data exchange issues and has testified before the U.S. Congress on spectrum policy and related matters.

He has led spectrum management efforts including spectrum sharing analysis protocols and sharing criteria, as well as development of engineering services and software products. He speaks frequently and has authored several papers on spectrum sharing and relocation and has advised numerous wireless participants in their system design. He has a BSEE from the University of Maryland and is a Life Member of IEEE.

David MeyerDavid Meyer, Sr. Manager, Comsearch, Board Member, Past President, NSMA, Chair
Session: Spectrum Management Guidelines Developments; NSMA Working Group 3 (PDF – Meyer)(Video)

David is a Senior Manager at Comsearch, where he directs their Frequency Protection and Wind Energy Telecommunication Services. He oversees the protection of thousands of microwave paths, earth stations, and other facilities through the coordination process. He has been working in the telecommunications industry for more than 38 years. He has been active in NSMA for the majority of that time on various working groups and has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2005. David holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration from Strayer University and an MBA from the University of Maryland. Additional undergraduate studies included Chemical Engineering at New Mexico State University, Satellite Engineering at George Washington University, and International Marketing at Strayer.

View all the 2024 Conference Presentations