Interference Protection

The best defense for your microwave, MAS, and earth stations networks

Expert and timely analysis of prior coordination notices to ensure that your microwave, MAS, and earth stations networks are protected from interference.

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Your expert protection agent

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Analyzing the many prior coordination notices you receive is a critical part in protecting your microwave system, MAS sites and earth stations from costly service interruptions. It requires time, expertise, tools and resources.

Here are a few reasons why more companies choose us as their protection agent:

Valuable experience
Comsearch offers an entire department dedicated solely to interference protection with over 50 years of combined coordination experience.

Keeping you informed

  • Detailed monthly reports of new activity, interference cases and clearance resolutions
  • Annual path review
  • Database of over 75,000 coordinations and clearances

Always looking out for you
We participate in industry forums and work with government personnel to make sure your interests are addressed. Our dedicated customer service group is on call to address your questions and ensure your customer satisfaction.

Our protection services

analysis of proposed systems on your network.

Immediate reporting of potential conflicts to the new entrant prior to their submission of an FCC license application.

Resolution of all conflicts, including multiple rounds of discussions and analysis of interference mitigation attempts.

Monthly reports that summarize the new activity, such as the number of PCNs analyzed and number of cases reported, to keep you up-to-date and close to the process.

Unlimited web access to your detailed microwave, earth station, and MAS data stored in our database.

Access to our dedicated interference protection group to address your questions.