Millimeter Wave 70-90 GHz Registration

Register your links and begin operating in minutes!

Quickly identify available spectrum and instantly register your microwave links.

Register Your Links
Milimeter Wave 70-90 Registration Made Easy


The FCC adopted a lightly-licensed approach to the 70/80/90 GHz bands requiring link registration through a Database Manager. This means that licensees don’t have to go through the traditional and lengthier prior coordination and licensing process.

Comsearch provides the following features to help you register your links:

  • Google Earth KML Report to help you verify site information.
  • Interference analysis with other commercial systems.
  • FCC checks for regulatory compliance.
  • Instant coordination with the NTIA for shared Federal Government operation including microwave links and radio astronomy sites.

For you, this means you can begin operation right away and save on licensing costs!


The 70/80/90 GHz database is free to access with or without a nationwide license.

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FCC Adopts Report and Order to Modernize the 70/80/90 GHz Bands

The FCC adopted new regulatory requirements in an FCC Report and Order, FCC 24-16, that was released January 26, 2024 to modernize the existing procedures and rules as well as expand access to the 70/80/90 GHz bands. The main points of this Report and Order include:

  1. New certification of construction requirements
  2. Allow smaller antennas
  3. Implement channel plans
  4. Allow de minimis modifications to link registrations
  5. Allow link registrations for aeronautical and maritime use

Report and Order Details > >

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